Farewell (for now)! 10 Years of Carfreedays (Video Recap)

While we’re not completely shutting the door on Carfreedays.com, (we’ll keep it unlocked in case we want to visit again). We are stepping back from this ten-year-long-blogging-labor-of-love. It’s time. Carfreedays.com will remain up, but we’re moving on.

Anne is starting a new project, 5summers, that she is really excited about. Check it out and subscribe!

Anne made this little video edit of some Carfreedays highlights these past 10 years. We know it exceeds the average viewer’s attention span. But 10 years on bikes! That’s a lot of content.  We hope you enjoy it!

We’ll leave you with  a few random stats from the past 10 years:

We’ve thoroughly enjoyed all of the generous “bike people” we’ve met over the years. So many of you have become lifelong friends. This isn’t goodbye, we’re not going anywhere, we’ll see ya around town.

Thanks for all of the fun times!

Finally, we’ll always cherish memories with our friends, Clint and Val, who have both passed away. Your legacies live on in each of us. We miss you.

As Val would say, “Keep the rubber side down.”


Anne and Tim


10 responses to “Farewell (for now)! 10 Years of Carfreedays (Video Recap)

  1. Thanks for everything, Tim, Anne and family!

  2. Awww I have really enjoyed this blog Anne. Thank you for sharing all of this richness for a decade!

  3. NOOOOOOOOO … actually, yes, I get it. Me too. Classy finish, enjoyed the video recap! Your blog really did make a difference in our lives, and it’s how we met, so … thanks Tim and Anne!.

    • Juuuulian! So many more photos I wanted to add, but the video was already too long for 2017 attention spans! (shirtless photo booth shots at 1st 9-5, family picnics, Drew on my Xtracyle….) Your fam created so many Carfreedays memories. Glad we met in real life!

    • Yay Julian. Commenting on the blog … It’s like old times!

  4. I can’t believe it has been ten years! hope to see you on the road someday. Marge Evans

  5. This is so great, thanks for sharing the last ten years and looking forward to your next adventures!

  6. I’m a bit slow to reply but you will be missed. And thanks for your continued support Tim, my most loyal reader.

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