Grand-mère rocks the folding-bike wheelie

Daily Bike surfaced this beauty with the title “Most Awesome Wheelie ever.” While I won’t disagree with that assessment, I can’t help but notice the photo is chock-a-block full of awesomeness (like most-awesome everyday-cycling role model, most-active grandma, best Parisian folding-bike wheelie, and best Parisian cargo-bike wheelie, for starters).

Je tire mon casquette à vous grand-mère!


Via Adventure Journal and biCyCle Store Paris. Holler if credit should be applied elsewhere.

5 responses to “Grand-mère rocks the folding-bike wheelie

  1. For what it’s worth, Anne is suspicious about this being photoshopped. But I’m gonna stick with my ideal. We need more grandmas who rock!

  2. hey that is my grandma…. LOL… seriously though i’m suspecting photoshop

  3. I agree, photoshop, but awesome!!

  4. Love the photo, it could be photoshopped, but definitely not taken Paris. All the signs point to an English town. The bikes are riding on the left, as are the parked cars, a double yellow no-parking line, there’s the give-way (yield) triangle painted on the road in front of the other cyclist, and finally there’s a fire hydrant sign (the H) on the brick wall to the left of the dumpster. My money would be on one of the old University towns like Oxford or Cambridge, given all the bike parking in the background.

    • Thanks for the comment and the local expertise. Even if we don’t know the details of the photo, it’s good to have a better handle on the location. So, should this be “Grand-mum rocks the folding bike wheelie”? 😉

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