World Carfree Day is September 22

carfree day logoGet ready to leave your car at home on Tuesday, September 22 in honor of World Carfree Day:

World Carfree Day is an annual celebration of cities and public life, free from the noise, stress and pollution of cars. Every September 22, people from around the world get together in the streets and neighbourhoods to celebrate World Carfree Day and to remind the world that we don’t have to accept our car-dominated societies.

Come on, it’s just one day, give it a try. Take your bike or the bus or your feet instead of your car.

I took a peek at the events page and it looks as if (for most of the country) World Carfree Day doesn’t have many organized events. If you live in Santa Cruz or San Francisco, Broomfield, Boulder, Louisville, Ashland, Galveston or Roanoke, by all means get out and celebrate.

Otherwise, just leave your car at home on Tuesday and go about your daily business.

– Anne

7 responses to “World Carfree Day is September 22

  1. great! Tuesday is my “carfree day” anyway. I wish there was something going on here, but in a way I don’t really have time for that. I’m busy doing my thing.

  2. Wow! I am completely shocked my hometown (Louisville) is having an event. Yay! Tuesday is NOT usually a carfree day for us so we’ll have to try something different.

  3. I sold my last car 40 years ago, and have never been sorry!

  4. I’m all over it. See you on the bike trail! (West Seattle to Pioneer Square and up Jackson, let’s see, say 8 AM-ish?)

  5. Great to see other people talking about WCD! Very needed although i’m sad to point out that here in Toronto it seemed like there were more cars on the road today but maybe that’s because I was just more conscious of it

    Either way, it got me motivated to write something on my blog about the topic and how I think traffic can actually help us reduce cars.


  6. I couldn’t figure out why you posted this when September 22 is like MONTHS away… oh. I get it. yeah….

  7. Oh my goodness was that the best day to ride, or what?! On my way into work I got totally fooled by a starling imitating a bald eagle’s call, passed a big traffic jam on Harbor Island, and met a guy who rode with me a while and said “My commute is only three miles so I usually loop around here to stretch it out.” Now I ask you, what car commuter would ever say that?

    And then the ride home, the late evening light along Alki, wow.

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